Rezolva teste de inteligenta la matematica . Start la mate cu teste online.
Fiecare nivel trebuie terminat in proportie de 80% pentru a putea debloca nivelul urmator.
Timpul alocat fiecarei intrebari este de 30 de secunde .
Se poate face jumi juma, se poate întreba mulțimea sau cere părerea cuiva; de asemenea se poate sări peste o întrebare .
Contine urmatoare teste:
Teste din matematica: Teoreme
Teorema este acea afirmatie care are drept scop stabilirea adevarului prin demonstratie. Afirmatia poate fi demonstrata logic, pornindu-se de la un sistem axiomatic, in cadrul unei teorii. Teorema a fost folosita initial de Aristotel, fiind constituita dintr-un sir de teoreme, a caror demonstratie se bazeaza pe teorema care o preceda.
Teste din matematica: Istoria matematicii
nostintelor matematice in intreaga lume. Studierea si dezvoltarea matematicii a avut loc in diferite zone de pe glob. Matematicienii din Grecia antica si-au adus contributia printr-o rafinare a metodelor matematice, in special prin introducerea de rationamente deductive si de rigoare matematica in demonstratii, extinzand si subiectul de studiu al matematicii. Matematicienii chinezi au avut contributii privind scrierea intr-un sistem numeric, cei din spatiul indiano-arabic au introdus regulile de folosire a operatiilor, asa cum le utilizam astazi, care au evoluat de-a lungul primului mileniu in India si a fost transmis in vest prin matematicienii islamici, care la randul lor, au dezvoltat si extins matematicile cunoscute pana atunci.
Teste din matematica: Matematica generala
Matematica este stiinta care studiaza relatiile cantitative, modelele de structura, schimbare si spatiu. In sens modern, matematica este investigarea structurilor abstracte definite in mod axiomatic folosind logica formala. Daca vrei sa-ti testezi cunostintele din matematica, te invitam sa parcurgi testul alaturat.
- intrebari de logica care iti testeaza coeficientul de inteligenta (IQ)
- teste cu diferite nivele de dificultate
- quiz-uri contra cronomentru
- variante ajutatoare
- nivele bonus cu intrebari de logica
- posibilitatea de a face share la rezultatele testelor
Arata prietenilor cat esti de inteligent si provoaca-i la mai mult.
Multa bafta!
Solve intelligence tests in mathematics. Start to mate with online tests.
Each level must be completed at 80% in order to unlock the next level.
The time allocated to each question is 30 seconds.
One can do jumi juma, one can ask the crowd or ask one's opinion; you can also skip a question.
Contains the following tests:
Mathematical tests: Theorems
Theorem is that statement which aims to establish the truth by demonstration. The assertion can be logically demonstrated, starting from an axiomatic system, within a theory. The theorem was initially used by Aristotle, being made up of a series of theorems, the proof of which is based on the theorem that precedes it.
Mathematical tests: The history of mathematics
mathematical interests throughout the world. The study and development of mathematics took place in different areas of the globe. Mathematicians from ancient Greece made their contribution by refining mathematical methods, in particular by introducing deductive reasoning and mathematical rigor in demonstrations, extending the subject of mathematics as well. Chinese mathematicians have made contributions to writing in a numerical system, those in the Indian-Arabic space have introduced the rules for using operations, as we use them today, which have evolved over the first millennium in India and have been transmitted to the west. through Islamic mathematicians, who in turn developed and expanded the mathematics known until then.
Mathematical tests: General mathematics
Mathematics is a science that studies quantitative relationships, patterns of structure, change and space. In the modern sense, mathematics is the investigation of abstract structures defined axiomatically using formal logic. If you want to test your knowledge of mathematics, we invite you to take the test next.
- logic questions that test your IQ (IQ)
- tests with different levels of difficulty
- quizzes against stopwatch
- auxiliary variants
- bonus levels with logic questions
- possibility to share the test results
Show your friends how smart you are and challenge them more.
Good luck!